Solid Services can perform a quick scan of all your assets, at a limited cost and within a short period of time. The condition of the structures and any possible risks to people, the environment and your production processes are mapped out clearly.

Rapid insight into risks and the state of your assets

Quick scan

As an asset owner, you want to be 100% sure that the (concrete) quality of all of the buildings that you manage is as required. This is difficult to assess if they were built in different years. Thankfully, Solid Services can perform an accurate quick scan of your entire real estate portfolio. Where are the risks? Which objects require (immediate) attention? And which objects meet the requirements? A long-term building management and maintenance plan will help you as building manager know exactly what the maintenance priorities are.

Do contact us!

If you have any questions about the approach, please contact our office by calling 013-5210262.

For further information, a free intake or tailor-made quotation, please contact Harry Viveen or Rob Cools.